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Comfort (Cinnamon Essential Oil) - 0.5oz / 15ml


  • Once thought to be more valuable than gold and considered to be one of the longest existing spices, Cinnamon oil has countless benefits.

    Derived from the plant species known as Laurus Cinnamomum, its spicy and warm aroma is used in aromatherapy as a relaxant and is especially comforting when diffused.

    Some research even suggest that inhaling Cinnamon essential oil is thought to keep unhealthy food cravings away. Known to possess many antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, Cinnamon oil contains a number of compounds thought to improve health.

    Touted as a natural remedy for a variety of symptoms from cough to cold, its anti-inflammatory effects make it a great choice for fighting sore throats. It can also be an effective remedy for inflammatory skin concerns such as rashes or acne.

  • Our essential oils may be applied topically or enjoyed aromatically.

    ● Diffuse in an essential oil diffuser.

    ● Add 1-2 drops to bowl of steaming water to vaporize or apply several drops to cotton balls for dry evaporation.

    ● Apply topically to targeted areas on body & massage.

    ● Combine a few drops with water to dilute it (May also be added to bath water)



    ● Benefits- May support metabolic function & may improve circulation
