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Refresh (Eucalyptus Essential Oil) - 0.5oz / 15ml


  • Breath in new life with our refreshing Eucalyptus essential oil. From opening the airways to calming the mind, our Eucalyptus oil offers a variety of benefits.

    Like most essential oils, Eucalyptus oil contains many natural components. Rich with expectorant & decongestant properties, it is the perfect essential oil to aid in soothing a cough and easing throat irritation. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, Eucalyptus oil is one of our favorite ways to provide respiratory relief and reduce pain in the back and joints. Its anti-bacterial properties also make it a natural mouthwash that can fight germs and freshen your breath.

    Whether you are inhaling it or diffusing it, our Eucalyptus oil is sure to invigorate and uplift you with every breath you take.

  • Our essential oils may be applied topically or enjoyed aromatically.

    ● Diffuse in an essential oil diffuser.

    ● Add 1-2 drops to bowl of steaming water to vaporize or apply several drops to cotton balls for dry evaporation.

    ● Apply topically to targeted areas on body & massage.

    ● Combine a few drops with water to dilute it (May also be added to bath water)



    ● Benefits- Expectorant & calming aroma